John Power

Forensic Science Ireland
Irelands National Forensic Laboratory
Lecture title: "Something New In Something Old" the Irish Experience of Analytical Issues Encountered In the Analysis of Items Suspected To Contain Controlled Substances
John was employed at the Equine Forensic laboratory between 1980-1990 analysing horse blood and urine samples for the presence of doping agents. In 1989, John obtained an MSc from Trinity College Dublin which was based upon the replacement of horse urine liquid-liquid extraction methods with supported solid phase extraction methods. Since 1990, John has been employed in Forensic Science Ireland and has worked mainly within the controlled substances area but he also manages the toxicological analysis in suspected drug facilitated sexual assault cases. In 2018, John obtained a PhD from his research interest in novel impurities found in amphetamine importations cases. John would stress that he is not an academic but approaches issues from a working scientist’s viewpoint