Building on previous successful ISRANALYTICA events, this conference has now become a major venue for industry, academia and research institutes to get the latest updates and exchange information about recent advances and emerging technologies in analytical chemistry.

For FREE exhibition registration please click here
The ISRANALYTICA Exhibition is the leading analytical chemistry exhibition in Israel. It includes the latest innovations in the fields of instrumentation, equipment, chemicals, materials, publications and services
Exhibition topics:- Chromatography, Spectroscopy and Electrochemistry
- Pharmaceutical Analysis
- Chemical Analysis
- Forensic Analysis
- Process Analytical Technologies (PAT)
- Petrochemical Analysis
- Food, Agriculture and Environmental Analysis
- Biochemical Biopharmaceutical Analysis
- Quality Assurance and Metrology
- Advancements in Instrumentation and Software
- Analytical Chemistry Education
- Analytical aspects in Medical devices
- Clinical Chemistry
For more information please contact:
Msr. Reut Lazar
Bioforum Applied Knowledge Center
3 Golda Meir St., Weizmann Science Park,
POB 4034 Ness Ziona 70400, Israel
Tel: +972-(0)8-931-3070
Mobile: +972-(0)50-2150949
Fax: +972-(0)8-931-3071