Dr. Steven J. Lehotay

Lead Scientist
USDA Agricultural Research Service
Eastern Regional Research Center
Wyndmoor, PA , USA
Lecture: Continual advances in the analysis of chemical residues in foods: Are methods finally good enough?
Research Interests:
Since 1992, scientific investigations and method development research have involved improvement in the analysis of pesticides, veterinary drugs, and other contaminants in food and environmental samples. Research has addressed all aspects of the analytical process, including sample processing, preparation, separations, detection, screening, quantification, identification/confirmation, and data processing using many types of analytical techniques applied in novel and useful ways.
Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry (minor in Environmental Sciences),
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, Aug. 1987 - Jan. 1992
B.S. Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, Aug. 1983 - May 1987
Selected Awards:
ACS-AGRO Fellow, 2017
NACRW Excellence Award in Sample Preparation (shared), 2015
USDA Secretary’s Honor Award (shared), 2014
North Atlantic Area Senior Research Scientist of the Year, 2014
Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher, 2014-present
ACS Division of Agrochemicals Award for Innovation in Chemistry of Agriculture, 2012
Journal of Chromatography A Top Cited Article 2010-2011 (shared), 2012
AOAC International Harvey W. Wiley Award, 2011
ARS Outstanding Efforts in Technology Transfer Award (shared), 2009
UCT Excellence in SPE Award (shared), 2007
AOAC International Study Director of the Year, 2007
AOAC International Collaborative Study of the Year, 2007
Fellow of AOAC International, 2006
Honorary Scientist, South Korean National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service, 2005-06
Eastern Regional Research Center Distinguished Research Scientist of the Year, 2005
AOAC International Study Director of the Year, 2002
AOAC International Collaborative Study of the Year, 2002
Most Interesting Poster Award (shared) at 4th European Pesticide Residue Workshop, 2002
North Atlantic Area Early Career Scientist of the Year, 2000
Beltsville Area Technology Transfer Award, 1997
Invited to Give >120 Talks at Scientific Meetings in >25 countries on 6 continents